Book Review: Pete the Cat, Rocking in My School Shoes


 Pete the Cat, Rocking in My School Shoes is our new favorite here at school.  This lively picture book by author-musician Eric Litwin with illustrations by James Dean is perfect for the beginning weeks of school.  The text invites readers to sing along as they see Pete discover the library, the lunchroom, and the playground.  Pete’s a cat who keeps his cool all day long.  Even though he’s experiencing these school places for the first time–is he worried? Goodness, no! 

A bonus to this great book is the free story and song that can be downloaded here.  Warning: be prepared to have this catchy song in your head all day long.  But as Pete says, “it’s all good!”

Be sure to check out the bulletin board outside of our library to see the great school shoes decorated by students.