Our Online Book Fair is Open through November 11th!

New this year!!!

Can’t make it to the fair?  You can visit our the page for our Online Book Fair website  by clicking on the icon below.  The Online Fair will be open through Novemebr 11th, and all items ordered online will be shipped to the school at no cost to you.


You can still donate a book to the library or your child’s classroom. There will be raffle prizes for book donations.  For every $10 you spend on a book to be donated back to EWS, you get one raffle ticket for the prize of your choice, including Color Nooks (2), Legos, Gift Certificates and more!  Books and prizes are on display in the library through November 8th, Fathers Visiting Day.

All purchases benefit our school;  thank you for your support!

It’s Time for the Book Cover Contest!

Overall Winner 2010: Adrina D.

 Here’s your chance to create an original work of art based on a book you have read.

Imagine that you have been chosen to design a book cover and could use any art medium at all (paint, crayons, markers, collage materials, etc).

All students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade may participate and can pick up a piece of poster board in the library. Instructions are here: Book cover contest flyer 2011

All entries must be returned no later than Monday morning, October 24th in order to be viewed by our panel of judges. Winners will receive gift certificates to spend at the East Woods Fall Book Fair.

Have fun being creative!

Our Reading Road Trip

Buckle your seatbelts, we’re off on a trip across the United States of America, reading our way from coast to coast!

This year in Library, students in the ECC and Lower School will learn about the wonderful country in which we live and will read books from the seven different regions of the United States. Beginning this month, we’re off to explore the Northeast, focusing on New England, and then in November, on the Mid Atlantic States. We’ll make our way around the country, learning lots of fun facts and reading some great books along the way.

Keep up with our travels by visiting the web site for this project.  The link is also at the top of this page of our blog.  You’ll find online sources with facts about the 50 states and educational games, as well as themed booklists.

We’ll share some postcards and “souveneirs” from our trip as we make our way across the USA,  so check back often and feel free to leave us a comment!