Our K-4 Theme: Getting to Know Great Authors

author in the spotlight pic

This year, the Lower School Library Theme, Getting to Know Great Authors, will introduce students to what it takes to be a great author or illustrator. We will learn about the writing process and conduct several comprehensive author studies to discover personal experiences that help inspire the authors to write the books we read.

Some of the first few authors in the spotlight are Kevin Henkes and Tomie DePaola for students in Kindergarten and First Grade, and Jon Scieszka, and DyAnne DiSalvo for students in Second through Fourth Grades. We look forward to learning more about these talented authors and reading some great books!

Dewey Review–Challenge Yourself With These Online Activities

We’ve spent this past year reading around the library, and now you can review what we’ve learned, and try some games to test your skills.

Here’s a colorful chart
that reviews the numbered categories in the Dewey Decimal System.


Try these online activities

Dewey Quiz

Find the Correct Dewey Category–How Fast Are You?

Different games let you practice sorting and placing books on the shelves in the correct order.

More practive shelving fiction and non-fiction books.

Read Around the Library: 600s

The 600s shelves include books on the human body, space exploration, pets, and much more!


The National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)
has a great site for kids to learn all about exploring (and living in) space.

NASA-kids-club-iconNASA Kids Club


Here are some great interactive sites that help families learn to make healthy choices:

Nutrition Explorations                         Solusville

Nutrition Explorations




B.A.M. Body and Mind                      


Kids Health.org

Our Theme in the Library This Year


Our theme for the year will be Read Around the Library, and we will learn how the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System helps to organize a library collection. Each month, we will read selected titles from a different informational category and read related fiction books, as well. There will also be lots of interactive games that will help us practice what we learn.

Here’s a quick look at the categories in the DDC.


A “Visit” to Australia

The Kindergarten class had a special visitor during their library class on exploring Australia.  Aidan’s dad, Wayne Wasserman, visited us and brought along some unusual instruments. The students were fascinated to learn about the didgeridoo, which is made from a tree branch that’s been hollowed out by insects. They liked hearing the low humming sound that it made. Then they had turns playing the clap sticks, also carved from wood and used in Aboriginal ceremonies. Mr. Wasserman also spoke about the unique and dangerous animals that he and his family encountered on their recent trip to Australia. Aidan showed his friends the sign on shark warnings that the lifeguards had given his family.

It was great to have this opportunity to see real objects up close from The Land Down Under, and we thank the Wasserman family for this special visit!

Happy New Year Celebrations Around the World

As we start a new year and continue reading around the world, it’s interesting to learn how people in different countries celebrate New Year’s traditions:

Spain: At midnight on New Year’s eve, people eat 12 grapes in the hope to have 12 happy months in the coming year.

Greece: New Year’s day is also the Festival of St. Basil, one of the founders of the Greek Orthodox Church. One of the foods served is Vassilopitta, or St. Basil’s cake.
A coin is baked inside, and whoever finds the coin in their piece of cake will be especially lucky during the year.

Denmark: People throw old dishes at the doors of friends’ homes for good luck. Finding a big pile of broken dishes on New Year’s morning means that you have lots of  friends!

Switzerland: A drop of cream is dripped onto the floor on New Year’s Day to symbolize richness in the new year.

Learn how to say “Happy New Year” in different languages
Watch the slide show below to learn how to say “Happy New Year” in different languages. Then, try the online quiz challenge by clicking on the red button below.  How quickly can you match all the greetings in the different languages? Challenge yourself and your friends!


New Year’s Online Word Search Find all 10 hidden words before the time is up. Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and backwards. Scroll down to read the instructions and to find the
button. There are new words each time you play!

We’re Off to South America

Hola Amigos! Bievenidos! Welcome to South America!

The students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade have begun their reading trip around the world!  This month, we’re exploring the exciting continent of South America, known for it’s huge tropical rain forest, the world’s largest river and the highest waterfall. We’ll be reading several fiction and non-fiction titles to learn more about this fascinating continent.

Here are a few web sites that help introduce some of the exotic animals found there.

Chunky Monkey’s Rain Forest Friends

San Diego Zoo’s Animal Bytes: South America

Remember: reading is your passport to the world!

Our Reading Road Trip

Buckle your seatbelts, we’re off on a trip across the United States of America, reading our way from coast to coast!

This year in Library, students in the ECC and Lower School will learn about the wonderful country in which we live and will read books from the seven different regions of the United States. Beginning this month, we’re off to explore the Northeast, focusing on New England, and then in November, on the Mid Atlantic States. We’ll make our way around the country, learning lots of fun facts and reading some great books along the way.

Keep up with our travels by visiting the web site for this project.  The link is also at the top of this page of our blog.  You’ll find online sources with facts about the 50 states and educational games, as well as themed booklists.

We’ll share some postcards and “souveneirs” from our trip as we make our way across the USA,  so check back often and feel free to leave us a comment!