Spring 2021 Book Trailers

Our Fifth Grade students read a great selection of books this year as independent reading choices. They used an online application called Adobe Spark to create book trailers or short videos that introduce their books without giving away the endings.

Enjoy viewing the videos they created about their books.

Anabelle read a graphic novelization of the classic Les Miserables

Mason thinks you’ll enjoy The Last Straw, a funny book that’s part of the Wimpy Kid series.

Sophie recommends Just Jaime, a book about friendship. 

Do you like mysterious books filled with suspense? Then Josh recommends Code of Silence.

Channing thinks you’ll like The Lost Heir, part of the Wings of Fire books about dragons.

Do you have really great friends, or wish that you did? Sophia recommends Best Friends for you.

If you like chocolate and other sweet treats, August thinks that you’ll probably want to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Avril recommends Stargazing, a graphic novel about friendship.

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter books, Ayla knows you’ll want to read the exciting end of the series–The Deathly Hallows.

Choose Your Own Adventure Stories by 6th Grade Students

Enjoy these exciting interactive adventure stories created by our 6th Grade students. Each of the presentations below will provide you with lots of choices as you progress through the story.
Beware: not all of the endings are happy ones!

Tip: the stories below are non-linear. Please click on the active links within the stories to select the different story paths, as opposed to just advancing to the next slide. To choose different endings, click on the house icons on the slides.