Newsweek Magazine’s All Digital Content

   As you may know, Newsweek Magazine has ended publication of  its weekly print edition.  As of the beginning of the year, the magazine has been renamed Newsweek Global, and all future content will be digital only.  Our library’s print subscription has been converted to allow us access to this new format.

To read selections of the current digital content,  you may access the Daily Beast web site.

To read the full current issue and access previous issues online, you will need to connect to the Newsweek Web Reader Issue Library
Please contact Mrs. Lorbert if you need help accessing the new digital content.

The new version offers readers an interactive multimedia experience with animated covers that incorporate video and audio. The  format is certainly attention-getting , but readers not accustomed to reading their news online or on digital devices will need learn to navigate the content displayed.  For the most part, clicking on screen arrows, swiping and tapping will be all that is needed to connect to a story or feature.

Will you miss flipping though the pages of the print edition or are you pleased with the switch to the new format?


Happy New Year Celebrations Around the World

As we start a new year and continue reading around the world, it’s interesting to learn how people in different countries celebrate New Year’s traditions:

Spain: At midnight on New Year’s eve, people eat 12 grapes in the hope to have 12 happy months in the coming year.

Greece: New Year’s day is also the Festival of St. Basil, one of the founders of the Greek Orthodox Church. One of the foods served is Vassilopitta, or St. Basil’s cake.
A coin is baked inside, and whoever finds the coin in their piece of cake will be especially lucky during the year.

Denmark: People throw old dishes at the doors of friends’ homes for good luck. Finding a big pile of broken dishes on New Year’s morning means that you have lots of  friends!

Switzerland: A drop of cream is dripped onto the floor on New Year’s Day to symbolize richness in the new year.

Learn how to say “Happy New Year” in different languages
Watch the slide show below to learn how to say “Happy New Year” in different languages. Then, try the online quiz challenge by clicking on the red button below.  How quickly can you match all the greetings in the different languages? Challenge yourself and your friends!


New Year’s Online Word Search Find all 10 hidden words before the time is up. Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and backwards. Scroll down to read the instructions and to find the
button. There are new words each time you play!