Great Author Studies

We’ve had a terrific year reading books by great children’s authors. Many of them offer book-related activities on their web sites, as well as information about what they are doing now. Visit our featured authors’ web sites by clicking on the images below. (Please note: Laurie Keller’s website is temporarily unavailable but should be up again soon).










Laurie Keller

Spring 2020 Book Trailers

Fifth Grade students read a great selection of books this year as independent reading choices. They used an online application called Adobe Spark to create book trailers or short videos that introduce their books without giving away the endings.

Enjoy watching their trailers below.

If you like sci-fi thrillers, Blake recommends that you read Gone.

Imagine if the narrator of a book is a dog! Riley thinks you’ll like Dog Diaries.

Veronika recommends All Summer Long, a graphic novel about friendship. 

Eddie read Brave, a graphic novel about a boy who is trying to survive middle school.

Wynne recommends New Kid, an award-winning graphic novel about a boy who struggles to adjust to his new school. 

Jaya wants you to imagine what life was life for Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile.

If you like sports, Hudson recommends The Crossover, an award-winning book about twin basketball stars.

Brendan thinks that you will like Guts, a true story by Raina Telgemeir.

Do you like pranks? If so, Angela recommends The Terrible Two’s.

Emma thinks you will like She’s the Liar, a story that takes place in a boarding school.

Alcatraz was a maximum-security prison. Could someone really escape? Brent recommends Escape from Alcatraz.

Imagine losing your 2 front teeth right before middle school starts. Tommy thinks you’ll like Smile.

If you like stories about amazing dogs, Brayden recommends No Better Friend, a true story of a brave dog in World War II.

If you like dragons and fantasy books, Katie recommends Dragonslayer, part of the Wings of Fire Legends series.