Hungry for History


Did you know that a wheel of cheddar cheese weighing over 1400 pounds was served at a reception during Andrew Jackson’s presidency and that the White House smelled like cheddar cheese for weeks afterward?  You’ll find many fascinating food-oriented facts about the presidents as well as recipes at a blog called The History Chef. Maintained by Suzy Evans, who has a Ph.D. in history, the blog was started when Evans was writing a book about favorite foods of the American presidents.  She shares that her goal ” is to help parents and kids learn how to cook together, learn about history together, and hopefully help them create many great memories and meals together.”

The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot about That!

cat in hat logo

A new series for children appears this fall on PBS, based upon the Random House’s  Beginner Book collection “The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library,” many of which we have in our library collection.  The series and accompanying online resources hope to generate interest in science.
Kids can check out the series web site here: pbs kids logo
Teachers can find out more about the program here:

The Final Book in The Hunger Games Trilogy


If you’re a fan of Suzanne Collins’ exciting Hunger Games series, then your wait for the final book is over!  Mockingjay arrives August 24th and is sure to have  fans (teens and adults alike) racing to read the final chapters in this action-packed, suspenseful series.  Check out this press release to read selected reviews of these exciting and award-winning books for readers ages 12 to adult.  You’ll find all three books in the YA Fiction section of our library.

BrainPOP: Digital Etiquette

Our  library subscribes to several online databases to supplement out print resources and provide engaging educational digital content.  Students and their families may use these resources from any computer with Internet access.

BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr (K-3) provide “animated, curriculum-based content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement.”  Short movies feature a range of educational topics and can help students understand difficult concepts.

For the month of September, a special Spotlight on Digital Citizenship introduces 21st Century Skills to students including the topics of Blogs, Cyberbullying, Digital Etiquette, Email and IM, Social Networks, Information Privacy, and much more.

We encourage you to post comments on this blog and suggest that you view this video on Digital Etiquette.